Thursday, December 30, 2010


Everyone else will say "Happy New Year" while in my head I`m like - The 3rd Year of Lady Gaga`s Rein.... It`s so true and real fans will all agree with me on this one. We`ll show the world  who we are and we`ll wow them with all that we have accomplished and all we promise to achieve. WE ARE ALL" BORN THIS WAY" because destiny its what it is. 2011 GAGA - you`ve made it so far and will you give up? NO!! We won`t let you down mother monster... Lies are lies and the Truth it the truth. Good or Bad which side are we on? Does anyone know? All we understand is that we will live life to the fullest and make the best of it to live a hell of a damn happy one.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Your paradise country in Central America and Caribbean social!  is committed to promoting AMORCITOProducciones and all Belizean items. 

The website has designed a nice Home Page, Photo Gallery, Video Gallery, Music Page, ChatBOX, News and more. The webpage is continuously being updated to serve its purpose, to serve the public in anyway that it can. We ask for your support in sharing the page with your friends as we improve the service that we give. Thanks. 

A.P we simply care, understand, and love with passion and the help of God.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Corozal Community College Marching Band

Belize Band Fest 2010 ( AMORCITOProducciones )
to see our video click on the following link



Amorcito Producciones abierto a todos BeliceƱos y jente en la region que quieran llegar a ser famosos o ser reconosidos internaccionalmente. El equipo aqui en Belice ahorita en 2010 incluen solo Dj Guapo. Abierto a que entren musicos, DJs, photografos y muchos mas...
Nuestro Logo es ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^el de arriba
Nuestro Sitio es Mundo Musica Latina